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Khaki who????

Wolfy September 12, 2020 1:17 am

Khaki who????

    Rin_chan September 12, 2020 1:42 am

    Um..I think Khaki is the name of Lee Bin's I mean Michael's father( the Vampire who they calls) . I think I read it between in manhwa somewhere.

    Sugasmiile September 12, 2020 3:08 am

    Khaki is leebin and Hwagok’s kid Lee Hwa I’m not sure why he calls him that though. Michael I believe was Lee bin’s old name or His father’s name. Razel is like Hwa Gok a Lycanthrope turned Vampire and an ex lover of the father. That was previously mentioned. “His first and Last lover.”

    Now if you are still confused. All the people Michael (the dad) has turned into a vampire are referred to as siblings or brothers and sisters. and Razel is now a new character (Antagonist) and brother that has been introduced. There is still so much to unpack in the next chapter and things have become more interesting. I hope this cleared things up for you and if you have more questions I feel free to ask :)

    Rin_chan September 12, 2020 3:27 pm
    Khaki is leebin and Hwagok’s kid Lee Hwa I’m not sure why he calls him that though. Michael I believe was Lee bin’s old name or His father’s name. Razel is like Hwa Gok a Lycanthrope turned Vampire and ... Sugasmiile

    Michael is Lee Bin's given name from his family before being a Vampire. For your information. Correct it.

    Sugasmiile September 13, 2020 4:48 am
    Michael is Lee Bin's given name from his family before being a Vampire. For your information. Correct it. Rin_chan

    That’s why I said “is lee bin’s name or his father I’m not sure” I wasn’t sure

    Wolfy September 13, 2020 4:38 pm
    Khaki is leebin and Hwagok’s kid Lee Hwa I’m not sure why he calls him that though. Michael I believe was Lee bin’s old name or His father’s name. Razel is like Hwa Gok a Lycanthrope turned Vampire and ... Sugasmiile

    Owhhh...that actually cleared up a lot of things but You're right there is too much to unpack. I used to get this storyline very well but now i feel like I'm kinda out of loop