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Why am I not getting notifications for updated manga

notabot September 13, 2020 7:26 am

Okay am I the only one experiencing this? I click on my updated manga tab because it’s been showing the same manga that’s been updated 1/2 days ago for awhile. There’s nothing new, I checked yesterday as well. when I search up the names of the manga that are on my list it’s shows that new chapter are already released. It’s a minor problem but it’s inconvenient because I do rely heavily on it. Also I refresh multiple time, log out and back on. Idk maybe I’m just dumb

    ankomushi09 September 13, 2020 7:31 am

    Omg the same thing is happening to me too. It's getting really annoying now

    enzhar September 13, 2020 8:02 am

    notifications update once a day, the update time differs based on your time zone. for the manga in your lists, make sure the checkbox "subscribe this manga" is checked, otherwise u won't get any notification when it updates

    ankomushi09 September 13, 2020 9:56 am
    notifications update once a day, the update time differs based on your time zone. for the manga in your lists, make sure the checkbox "subscribe this manga" is checked, otherwise u won't get any notification wh... enzhar

    Ok thank you ♪(┌・。・)┌

    yumiko September 13, 2020 12:38 pm

    you can comment on mangago’s wall, which is, and they can help
    you can mail mangago and they can fix it: [email protected]