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When he said "no marriage is perfect" I started to expect some big reveal like that the c...

Anonymous February 18, 2015 3:25 am

When he said "no marriage is perfect" I started to expect some big reveal like that the child by his first wife hadn't even been his, because the wife had been cheating, and perhaps they had fought right before she took that airplane and died that's why he was feeling so responsible... But no.
Everything turned out so smoothly, it wasn't fun... Even the mom-in-law talking to the media would have been comical as heck, if he hadn't ruined the humor by proposing to the girl right then and there.
So anti-climatic, I feel like there was somthing missing, somewhere.

    Telosking333 June 20, 2017 7:07 am

    Read the actual book they can only do so much in so few pages of a manga