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I had the strangest dream about this manga and I need to share it. It starts in the middle...

Oops September 14, 2020 1:44 pm

I had the strangest dream about this manga and I need to share it.
It starts in the middle of the day, byul is napping and dojin is in rut. Hyesung and dojin are doing the dirty when his sister and byul walk in. It cuts to 2 in known characters in a car crash. One of the people is a very pregnant man holding the hand of his female partner, she dies and he is rushed to the hospital. Screen cut to the dojin's sister yelling at him, holding byul. Screen cut back to the pregnant man holding his newborn daughter, sad his wife is gone.
Idk man I thought it was pretty interesting

    Oops September 14, 2020 1:46 pm

    Unknown not known #-.-)