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Does anyone know this incest manga?

Meri September 15, 2020 8:11 am

I dont remmeber the whole plot jut this scene where there is this guy who is like a friend or something to the little brother (the seme) crossed paths with the older brother (the uke) and says how it is wrong of him to be going out with his little brother.

Then the older brother tells this guy, that he actually DID try to run away with all his might from his little brother, but the little brother would not give up and still loved him.

The point is that this guy who is like a third party felt shivers in this conversation when he found out that the older brother (uke) also was in love (twisted kind) with his little brother, though the entire manga he was shown running away and only accepting his little brother love out of pity

    Chamin September 15, 2020 8:40 am
    Meri September 15, 2020 10:30 am not sure if this is it ? Chamin

    OMG!!! IT IS!!!! I am amazed that you could tell even though the description I gave is slithly different! WOW After checking it I finally found why I felt shivers down my spine thanks!

    Chamin September 15, 2020 12:44 pm
    OMG!!! IT IS!!!! I am amazed that you could tell even though the description I gave is slithly different! WOW After checking it I finally found why I felt shivers down my spine thanks! Meri

    no problem !