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Any more badass reincarnation ones like this?

Foxtrot September 16, 2020 3:06 am

So I've noticed 3 types of reincarnation/other world ones. 1, main character gets all them D's. 2, new main is as weak as/even weaker than the OG girl. 3, main girl is essentially a mary sue and its basically a wattpad story.

But I love the way they went about this story. Beware the villainess, and virtues of the villainess. Strong female leads with faults who do catch the eye of one or two guys. But not they whole harem and them some.

Can anyone recommend more like these?

    whatshisface September 16, 2020 2:01 pm

    have you tried "The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass"? and though it's not a villainess story I really love "Miss Not-so Sidekick"