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First upload of a work of this author in God-knows-how-much-time and it's not even an orig...

hard-core fujoshi February 23, 2015 6:24 pm

First upload of a work of this author in God-knows-how-much-time and it's not even an original story TT-TT. What happened to Shinshi to Norainu?! I've seen the raws on Facebook, why don't they translate them?
I am begging here TT-TT

    jackie.wetweb510 February 24, 2015 8:00 am

    Lol i don't care how long it is i need to wait, however, that is, so long as it is within my life span of being alive as a full blooded otaku. (((o(♡´▽`♡)o)))