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What I understood from the comments section was that many readers fail to understand compl...

Anonymous September 18, 2020 1:00 am

What I understood from the comments section was that many readers fail to understand complex characters and it shows. They take everything at face value and utterly fail to look beyond it. They prefer a story about shallow characters that lack any actual depth. They prefer basic story plots. They prefer stories where everything is spoon fed to the readers. That’s what annoys me honestly. People really don’t know what critical thinking is and it’s so apparent in this comment section. Very rarely do I see a comment that actually understands stories that have complex characters and plots. It’s a shame really. I hope to see a day were people actually bother to go in depth into the characters and plot.

    Ella Marie Joanie September 18, 2020 7:38 am

    couldn't agree more. i remember reading this way back without looking into the comments, and i surprisingly loved it (made me cry a few times). now that i stumbled upon it again, i was baffled to see that there are a lot of negative comments abt this manga. i tend to be swayed by comments so im really glad that i read this before. now i'm rereading it for like the 5th time ü

    Sunny Yu September 22, 2020 9:10 pm
    couldn't agree more. i remember reading this way back without looking into the comments, and i surprisingly loved it (made me cry a few times). now that i stumbled upon it again, i was baffled to see that there... Ella Marie Joanie

    Yeah, we the same sentiments

    A Wasted Cow September 29, 2020 12:15 am

    Couldn't agree more as well. I remember reading this series half a year ago and thought it was wonderful. The cast was diverse in terms of backgrounds, each person had their own scars/experiences that shaped their personalities, and the fact that most of the development was driven by dialogue constantly without taking away from the pacing of the story. It was written well and knew where it had to end and wrap things up.

    Finding this now and rereading it, my stance still hasn't changed. It's rather disappointing to see some of the comments rate this so low. They can easily see the series has a smut tag, yet somehow cannot look past the smut. Ironic because they're missing out on the overall plot and cast.

    parkjamhobi October 15, 2020 9:18 pm

    True well some may not be mature enough to understand the depth of the characters story. I do love these characters they are thorough made by the author, they are not pathetic compared to stories that are rushed and its evident with the whole plot of the story. Honestly if this story is without smut parts it would still turn out great.

    Dingo123 November 22, 2020 7:23 pm

    YES they hate to see when their fave storylines/plots aren't in these books with new ideas & plots. I love when authors steer away from the usual plotlines to create intricate characters !!

    Springfairy March 18, 2021 1:01 pm

    I agree with u so much, like , I don't like basic omega but this, This omega, this couple is immaculate, The story that doesn't go to that basic omegaverse but they make it better. The plot the angst and pretty much I feel this is more realistic than other omegaverse.