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It scares me whenever I see girls going crazy over a guy like this. It doesn't happen in s...

Anonymous February 27, 2015 7:48 am

It scares me whenever I see girls going crazy over a guy like this. It doesn't happen in schools here so is it the norm in Japan? Mmm...I'm wondering also why they are so boy crazy like that?
I met my guy when I was visiting my friend. The truth is I was totally clueless about boys and so when he asked for my number,I was even more clueless,dumbfounded...hahaha this was the me then.
So when I read about these girls behaving crazy like this,I'm still am thinking it's a bit weird,going wild over guys like that. Sorry if I offend anyone with my comment,this is just me relating my thoughts.....

    GingaNoYousei May 28, 2015 6:00 pm

    no i actually havent seen in my life girls going crazy like that Of course when a hot guy passes there always are the woah hottie coments or that every girl turns her head staring at his ass while he passes but thats it lol i hope its just manga exagerating everything if not i pity all japanese men XD

    supergenius56 July 26, 2016 7:46 am

    i've seen girls do that. it's quite sad really