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Unknown September 18, 2020 9:58 pm

Okay so I’m gonna big spoil y’all, be ready

// SPOIL //
So I’m gonna spoil the end of the novel. First, y’all have to know that Sovieshu doesn’t even love Trashta like it seems. He’s actually in love with Navier.
But back then, when Sovieshu and Navier were childs, they ate cookies that Sovieshu found. Those cookies where actually his mother’s, which was gonna give them to the concubine of the Emperor of that time. Those cookies were supposed to cause infertility to a person, which is why the Empress wanted to give them to the concubine.
That’s why, Sovieshu thinks that Novier can’t have childs. He think, because of him, she’s infertile. But he needs a child. As an Emperor, he needs a heir.
And here comes Trashta, which can give him a healthy son. That’s why he took her, that’s why he slept with her.

Anyways, Trashta will be pregnant soon, and she’ll say that it’s Sovieshu’s child. A lot of things will happen, Trashta will be more trashy than she ever was.
One day, Navier will hear Sovieshu talking, saying he will cast her away, frame her (Navier). So that’s when she finally realize that she can’t be with Sovieshu anymore. Anyways, she’ll go to Henry and all and all and they’ll live happily.
But that doesn’t end up here.
First, when Navier heard the talking about casting her away ; she actually didn’t heard it all ; Sovieshu actually said that he was gonna frame and cast away Navier for a year, just for a year. In this year, Trashta will be the Empress. But he really thought Navier would wait for him. After that year, he was actually gonna cast away Trashta and make Navier the mom of his child with Rashta, so that they would have a heir. Of course, he wants the woman he love with him, as an Empress. Not a trashy slave who’s good at nothing. Anyways. He just needed Trashta to have a child, a child he could made into his and Navier child (still thinking Navier was infertile by his fault)
Anyways. After some time, he’ll discover that the child of Trashta isn’t his. It’s a child she had with another man. Then, if I’m not wrong (sorry it’s been a while, I’ve read too many novels, my mind’s a little confused on this part), the child will have an accident, and Trashta will be executed.

At this point, Sovieshu will lose his mind. He lost the woman he loved, Navier, and the child he loved and thought was his. The day, he’ll be himself, the Emperor. The night, he’ll be the father, asking where his child is, he’ll be the husband, asking where Navier is.
That’s when they realize he can’t be the Emperor anymore. But who can be ? He doesn’t have an heir, neither does he have a relative. So, he decides to give the trone to the woman he loved, Navier.
That’s when she’ll come with Henri and babies that look just like her. Sovieshu will look at them, look at the childs he always wanted to have with Navier but thought it was impossible. That’s when he realized that the infertile one was him, not Navier. Those little childs will also be birds btw lmao.

And that’s the end of this spoil (≧∀≦) Kinda sad actually, I pity Sovieshu but in the same time I hate him even more knowing that he wasn’t even blind because of his love for Trashta. He literally never loved her, yet let her make suffer the one he really loved.
Also, Trashta turned so greedy, I can’t pity her. She also never loved Sovieshu, she actually loved a man from when she was a slave if I’m not wrong.
I don’t know if the story will follow the novel, tho. I forget which story it was, but I read one who didn’t follow the novel ! Maybe we’ll have another ending.

    aaaX32 September 18, 2020 11:22 pm

    He should've been honest from the start though.. so in a way he's kind of at fault too?

    Rababruby September 18, 2020 11:22 pm

    My heart actually hurts lol but I’m happy for navier and her baby birds

    Shiro September 19, 2020 1:28 am

    Thank you so I didn’t hVe to waste my time!

    Sproutchan September 19, 2020 9:48 am

    Wait so did Navier become the empress of the emperor black hair’s kingdom? (i forgot the name).

    Mao_Jack September 19, 2020 1:00 pm

    No matter what happened he should explain n discuss with her. No women in this world would want to share something that belong to them/someone they love. No one!! Geez just imagine my future husband sleep with someone else enough makes me wanna sign divorce letter as soon as I know

    Rababruby September 19, 2020 2:02 pm
    No matter what happened he should explain n discuss with her. No women in this world would want to share something that belong to them/someone they love. No one!! Geez just imagine my future husband sleep with ... Mao_Jack

    Exactly. Period.

    Unknown September 22, 2020 7:18 am
    No matter what happened he should explain n discuss with her. No women in this world would want to share something that belong to them/someone they love. No one!! Geez just imagine my future husband sleep with ... Mao_Jack

    He totally should have ! And he should NEVER have let Trashta do all her plottings, he should have treasured Navier. I can understand that, as a king, he need a heir. And actually, on the world of kings/queens, having concubines is something « normal ». But it’s not to let your wife feel belittled (and clearly not by some ugly-selfish trash), ashamed, accused of things she never did, feeling like she’s rejected by her husband, losing faces in front of other nobles, etc etc. He grew up with Navier, he loved her. At first, we just thought he was some trash blind because of his love for Trashta, that he couldn’t see the truth because of his illusion. But knowing it wasn’t even the case actually makes him way more trashy, no ? He knew the truth behind all the schemes of Trashta to belittle Navier (not « all », not her pregnancy scheme but actually, he knows Navier. He probably always knew she never did anything to Trashta, yet let her being accused just for his plan)

    Unknown September 22, 2020 7:19 am
    Wait so did Navier become the empress of the emperor black hair’s kingdom? (i forgot the name). Sproutchan

    Yeah she did ! (≧∀≦)

    Unknown September 22, 2020 7:25 am
    He should've been honest from the start though.. so in a way he's kind of at fault too? aaaX32

    He is. I pity him, because I know he needs a child, and he really loves Navier actually (I can tell it from the end, he really did), but the facts are that he still let her being accused of things she didn’t do, let Trashta do as she wanted, always protected Trashta even if it meant making it seems like it was Navier’s fault, making his wife feel as if she wasn’t loved, as if a SLAVE was more important than her, a queen. He didn’t treasure Navier as he should have.

    Mao_Jack September 22, 2020 9:29 am
    He totally should have ! And he should NEVER have let Trashta do all her plottings, he should have treasured Navier. I can understand that, as a king, he need a heir. And actually, on the world of kings/queens,... Unknown


    Mao_Jack September 22, 2020 9:30 am
    He is. I pity him, because I know he needs a child, and he really loves Navier actually (I can tell it from the end, he really did), but the facts are that he still let her being accused of things she didn’t ... Unknown
