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Help me please

Kuro Yuuki March 2, 2015 4:08 pm

I am looking for a shoujo manga.
it is about this girl whose is taking care of a cat behind her school but it is not allowed.One day when she went to feed her cat Kuro she meets this young boy who says that he is Kuro that he transformed because he wanted to call to her. Close to the end, her friend from class told her that she is hanging out with a player from the school nect door. So she stood in front of the school and saw him and saw a girl coming to talk to him and backed away. the next day he comes to talk to her and says that before they met and she gave him onigiri and every time she was talking to the cat he was behind the wall listen. The girl who he was talking to before was his sister who he let take care of the cat
