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Haji is saya's chevalier ...her servant and protector Raised since childhood to only be h...

Anonymous March 2, 2015 11:12 pm

Haji is saya's chevalier ...her servant and protector
Raised since childhood to only be her's ..
And to sacrifice himself to protect her the original anime
Towards the end ..the opera house collapsed on haji because he's holding
Up a wall so saya and her "brother " can escape ..
Plus he's holding off one of the monsters ...and tells her "I love You "

    Anonymous March 2, 2015 11:15 pm

    In this he is still looking for her (I wish the author would of written and drew how
    He escaped from the opera house ) because he doesn't know that saya's in hibernation
    Until she is needed to fight the vampiritic monsters again