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Someone help my brain with the screenshot (UwU)

Todoroki4lyf September 20, 2020 4:06 pm

Ajsjdkajjk, my slow brain and eyes! Wait was baby Nakyum hit in the face by Seungho defending the other guy??

    Slicckiss September 20, 2020 5:44 pm

    Yes he was.. I'm like why and if that was me it woulda been a WWE tag team wrestling match

    inori September 20, 2020 7:19 pm
    Yes he was.. I'm like why and if that was me it woulda been a WWE tag team wrestling match Slicckiss

    Todoroki4lyf September 21, 2020 2:24 pm
    Yes he was.. I'm like why and if that was me it woulda been a WWE tag team wrestling match Slicckiss

    Awee thanks for clarifying! I had to do a reading double-take because the page literally cut off at the slap Let's tag team in the wrestling match!