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Everyone was a jerk.....BUT!

Comadrin September 21, 2020 11:02 am

Alright. The brother was a weak punk who needed to have his ass kicked up and down the street. A thief is a thief, no matter who you're stealing from. Angie was an idiot and very immature, and was allowing herself to be her brother's enabler.
All that said: Roque (sounds like his nickname after he was named for a French cheese) was 30 years old when they were married, she was 20, and her brother would have been 15 or 16. He's 10 frickin' years older than her, for God's sake. He holds all, and I mean ALL, the power in the relationship. When he yells that he only married her out of pity, what the f*** is she supposed to think. They all acted immature as hell, but when the only supposed adult (thirty-something CEO banker) is acting no different than a 13 year old who hasn't gotten what he wants for his birthday, I know where the real blame lies. His actions on getting back together with her (nearly raping her, forcing her to tell him she hadn't been with other men, then smirking and leaving her alone) seemed as though they were designed to break her mind more than anything else. I cannot see it as anything but him acting as a vengeful sadist, and any relationship with him would be toxic as hell.
I'm 8 years older than my wife, and we were married just before she turned 19. She was pretty mature for her age, but I realized that if I started acting like a domineering a**hole, she would have run screaming, and rightly so. Roque's conduct was a deal-breaker.
