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bluesky September 21, 2020 2:37 pm

My, the amount of spoilers here is immense, so let me add another one, lol. People have been focusing mainly on what will happen, but that they neglected to reveal why the emperor could be so brutal in the past life, & why he can change so drastically in the current life. That little bit of spoiler is small, but really integral to who Wonje is. I would blame his particular genetic trait as the cause of his callousness first, before chalking it all down to him just being another psycho who suddenly just gotten the enlightenment in the current life. To better explain, it's hard for a person to relate to/empathize with another on a certain something when they truly don't know what that something is. Wonje is like that, he basically spent his entire early past life never knowing, & had really no way of learning it, unless he could see it directly with his eyes. He could not experience it, you see, so he could only learn by seeing. That's why he could be so brutal in the beginning, and only slowly started to understand when Heun progressively crumbled apart. But by then ofc, it's all too late. That's why in the current lifetime he actually can be better, because he learned before, and is still willing to learn now onward. He will probably never know it physically due to his trait, but he should know it on a psychological level by now. It doesn't condone what he's done, but it gives you a perspective on how & why he was the way he was, and explain the changes we are seeing now. But, what is this "trait"? lol, you should be able to guess by now, right? *wink*
