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F.U.C.K. O.F.F.

kurochiichii September 21, 2020 3:14 pm

Seriously. FUCK OFF MANAGER. Who in the HELL goes out of their way to torment someone YEARS later just because they refused you, in not even a very harsh way? Were they homophobic? No. Did he punch you? No. So wtf for dumb reason is this? And to then see the uke finally break down, telling you to fuck off, and you wonder WHY YOU FEEL BAD?!?! Wow. Just wow. #-.-)

The blondie deserves so much better. They are right, he only falls for cunts, and right after being with someone who had a WIFE and A CHILD he meets a piece of shit who purposefully tries to lure him in just to refuse him because of something that happened AGES ago. And instead of just leaving it at that, he starts ruining his work life aswell to the point of giving him a fucking break down. Pathetic excuse for a human being. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

I'm 100% NOT excited for any sex between these 2 because this cuck hasn't learned SHIT and shouldn't touch blondie with his dirty hands until he learns to show some fucking human decency (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
