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Nobody translated shit for me nor you. A group of people or person decided to scanlate thi...

Ugggghhhh March 7, 2015 2:50 pm

Nobody translated shit for me nor you. A group of people or person decided to scanlate this story out of their own free will and time and upload it somewhere on the internet. They shared their translation on the internet. Key words "the internet". If they didn't want to be critiqued or really, just brutally honest comments on their translation, then maybe they should think twice about "who" they want to see their scanlations.

No I didn't take offense, because that's exactly how it reads: someone who doesn't know English that well tried to translate something into English. It was damn near unreadable.

    Ugggghhhh March 7, 2015 2:52 pm

    My bad, that was a reply left for Silverturd78.