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Hakumei was extremely beautiful!! Super bishounen with an air of elegance. Now as to the ...

Akira_kun17 September 23, 2020 2:28 am

Hakumei was extremely beautiful!! Super bishounen with an air of elegance.
Now as to the confusing mistress, main, branch families.
What I got was that Aoi’s dad had been the Inugami then he left/refused to be the Inugami any longer, whether that was because he simply wanted out or he met and fell in love with a girl, idk.
Anyway I think Aoi was conceived after his dad left/quit because as Munekaze said ‘the Inugami don’t have what is needed to reproduce’.
The Main branch family died off, with the exception of Aoi and Munekaze (the twin). Munekaze bacme the new Inugami and Aoi was allowed to live because through the Kami’s attachment to Aoi’s father, he felt as though Aoi was his own child.
Aoi’s dad turned into a dog and later dies, his mom leaves and later dies as well, leaving Aoi to relatives.
The only family from the Main Branch left alive are Munekaze (Uncle) and Aoi (Nephew). I guess Aoi and Hakumei are related. Thanks to the Inu blood running through Aoi’s veins, he is able to visit the temples without the Kami’s power damaging him.
Its a lot of reading between the lines with this fic. Its a good fic but I would have rather had the fic be 20 volumes long and get the full story vs what we got here.
Good Fanfic material though, someone, anyone. ; ) let me know.
