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Its not "rushed" to me. He says they've known each other. I like the pacing and not every ...

ksb1978 March 9, 2015 4:27 am

Its not "rushed" to me. He says they've known each other. I like the pacing and not every yaoi has to be ten chapters before anything happens. Stop using Super Lovers as a template for all yaoi manga, cause no. Just no.

    ddkktt March 9, 2015 7:08 am

    yeah im pretty bored of super lovers not going anywhere that manga was to finish in chapter 18

    Anonymous March 9, 2015 8:14 am
    yeah im pretty bored of super lovers not going anywhere that manga was to finish in chapter 18 @ddkktt

    Hahaha! I quit that a long time ago...

    Natsuna March 9, 2015 9:43 pm

    I'm not using Super Lovers as a template. There are numerous yaoi/shounen-ai oneshots that are way more developed than this series. Everything in this series just feels really flat. I've read many BL series that have escalated quickly, but effectively. This one, however, is just outright rushed and shallow. The characters suffer heavily from the dreadful pacing. For instance, Iida seems like he has anger management issues because he is pushed through rushed plot/character development. Overall, the lack of depth makes it difficult for me to feel intrigued about the story or connected to the characters.