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Just read it

Bogus September 23, 2020 3:27 pm

I know why all of you are confused, it’s because you’re not actually reading it. You’re here for the smut; not the story. You wouldn’t be confused if you read the words on the screen, or even looked at the pictures and used context clues to come to a conclusion. People always do this and it’s very disappointing.

    Han.Han September 23, 2020 9:34 pm

    Okay I can admit that I read it for the first time more than year ago and now I came back becouse I remembered that it has great smut,,,, but when I saw it again I knew that I just need to read whole story once again becouse it's sooo amazing

    Han.Han September 26, 2020 11:04 pm
    Okay I can admit that I read it for the first time more than year ago and now I came back becouse I remembered that it has great smut,,,, but when I saw it again I knew that I just need to read whole story once... Han.Han

    Update: I just finished reading hsbsjsjsjs big suprise for me: I haven't read this to the end when I was reading for the first time :0 Ending made me cry T~T

    Bogus October 18, 2020 8:42 am

    The 5+ people who disliked are the ones that fetishize gay men.