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Naïve Drifter March 9, 2015 11:26 pm

There is two I'm trying to find

1) all I can remember is there was an employee in a book store who kept watching this really tall kid. He realize that because he was tall and had a sharp look, people thought he was mean. However the employee like him (oh the employee stuck up for the kid when he was accused of stealing)

2) (I remeber only a little) guyA cross dress to make money to take care of his little brother. At one point guyA remeber when he rejected (and I think he made fun of) a boy who ask him out. GuyA thought it would be weird if the boy saw him now. Well that boy turn out to be cross dressing at the same club that guyA works at and knows that GuyA works there but didn't tell him. GuyA would eventually find out
Please help and thanks for reading this.
