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Fuck this fuck this fuck this.

Justupdatepls September 24, 2020 3:39 am

This is the quite possibly the worst ML in history.

1. Neglects his 19yr old pregnant wife and leave her with his abusive family
2. Idgaf about him wanting to save his business. Clearly that was more important that the physical and mental well-being of his pregnant wife
3. He NEVER once believed her when she tried to tell him of the abuse she was suffering. Women are already at risk for depression and hormonal imbalance during pregnancy and her real life trauma could only serve to heighten those odds
4. She has a miscarriage and tells you that your cousin did it and you just decided automatically she was wrong and didn’t even want to investigate. If I were her, I would just probably just killed all those in his family involved but that’s just me
5. In all those 10 yrs, he didn’t seek her out and so he obviously didn’t really care about her. Then gets pissy that she might have moved on. Then decides to blackmail her into sex. POS
6. FUCK HIS BROTHER TOO. He didn’t tell the fucking truth about the situation until 10 yrs later
7. She gets pregnant again, to which he decides to doubt that it’s his like he didn’t force her into their relationship to begin with and like he is totally incapable of using contraceptives himself
8. I guess it took her deciding “fuck this, I’m taking my baby and won’t marry you because you didn’t protect me the first time and probably can’t this time” for him to think “oh wait. She won’t even marry the super rich me? Maybe she wasn’t lying and I should go finally try to see a decade later if wasn’t lying about how disgusting my family is”
9. It honestly confounds me how he didn’t know how shitty his family was because he is clearly cut from the same crappy cloth. Like he is equally as bad, if not WORSE than his abusive, baby murdering family because he was idle during all of it to a girl who relied on him because she had NO OTHER FAMILY besides him and never loved his wife more than his family (because he never once believed her)
10. I might have been able to redeem him from -47 points if he had realized how shit he was automatically and decided to break things off with her and let her keep the baby and live happily because he clearly doesn’t even deserve to breathe the same air as her but what does he do? He bangs her and then wants to discuss his absolve family in bed. Then when she tells him about the baby after he tells her he’s learned the truth, he questions it being his and wants a DNA test, and then treats the fact that his cousin basically attempted to murder her and her baby and his dad and brother covered it up like it is casual beside conversation.

I know no one probably read this far. But yes, this makes it official. He’s the worst ML in history.

    Selinaphan November 25, 2020 1:48 am

    And this is why there is a long story with 129pages(I think)