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So like... she's black mailing him because she knows his secret of him liking another guy....

Anonymous March 12, 2015 9:27 pm

So like... she's black mailing him because she knows his secret of him liking another guy...yet that other guy happens to also love him back?
This could solve so man manga-world problems, I swear!

    LOKKIS-KROLL March 27, 2015 8:31 pm

    yees n i guess she likes him to...that's i guess a trippel love or something like that

    Kill that psycho August 5, 2015 4:08 am

    Kill tha fu**ing bitch, right now. I know that she might have strong feelings for him but she also knows that he likes someone else in the entire whole world. Gosh bitch give up and stop tearing this beautiful couple. Soeone kill that psycho