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I'm glad to see this getting scanlated again. Unfortunately, come chapter 25 and...

FredFriendly September 26, 2020 12:26 pm

if you haven't figured it out after reading the chapter, this is when the story starts going down that well-worn, clichéd storytelling path that so many, many other series stumble down. It still has its charm, but the use of the typical shoujo clichés makes it, at times, very aggrivating to read. And the sad thing is, the author didn't have to go down that path as the story had enough charm without adding uneccessry drama.

    ughnyam February 4, 2021 4:29 pm

    Shoujo always had this issue like why do you depend on cliche sm to make a story 'interesting' like.. whats up with that lmao