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Sunghoe really....

404 not found September 27, 2020 8:05 am

This Master really don't know how feelings work -- like a moody person who can't make his damn mind Haiyaaa!!!! but again what do you expect when he's so messed up...

Hmmm.... with how the story is going... Why do I have this gut feeling that Na-kyum might go missing or something and when he does, it might give us a clue from the foreshadowing of what happened in the past chapters where the kisaengs tell na-kyum not to go back to them no matter what -- but why though.
oh well Just gonna wait it out....

    youraverageyaoilover September 26, 2020 2:53 pm

    wdym we can make up our minds on our periods its nit some mental disability or something lmao

    404 not found September 27, 2020 8:05 am

    I didn't mean it as a mental disability -- I never said nor mentioned it was a mental disability either. what I'm referring to are the mood swings that most of us experience every month that can usually lead us not to know what exactly what we want to do, to eat, or what we want to happen before/during period.

    Also changed the words so it won't be misunderstood.