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Guys, I need advice on something... You see, my girlfriend found out about my weird hobby...

random perv March 17, 2015 12:05 am

Guys, I need advice on something...

You see, my girlfriend found out about my weird hobby which is reading yaoi....and now she's really disgusted of me and even called me a homo perv....

Is it really weird for a straight guy to be reading this kind of stuffs? I mean, its only 2D right? Am I really considered homo?

But I've only dated girls? Waaaah! @-@ I dunno anymore!

    random perv March 17, 2015 8:05 am
    To elaborate further: if the thought of sucking another man's cock turns you on, or having your cock sucked by another man turns you on, then I would say that there is at least a little, itty-bitty part of you ... I Thot You Was a Toad

    ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ uwaaaaah! Hasukashi! I guess I'm not gay. XD but I guess I'm Bi cause asami does turn me on....only when it comes to 2D guys though....

    whisper March 17, 2015 10:47 am

    correction: she should be calling you "bi perv" instead of "homo perv"....Juuust kidding, bro!!
    Listen, there's a HUGE difference between reality & fantasy. Even if you read yaoi that doesn't make you a homo. However, if you get turned on by yaoi that definitely makes you bi. I mean i am a girl & i have read yuri & shoujo ai. I liked reading the shoujo ai however yuri just didn't click for me. Sure the stories are nice but i don't feel anything when i see 2 girls going at it. I do enjoy the stories though. So, the only one who can determine weather you are a homo/bi/straight is YOU! Not your gf. I guess i have already answered your question. And if you want advice about your gf, I would say, why i don't you show her this website. There are a lot of fujoshi & fudanshi here who are straight as an arrow but still enjoy reading yaoi. May be that will get her mind out of the gutter.

    random perv March 17, 2015 10:51 am
    correction: she should be calling you "bi perv" instead of "homo perv"....Juuust kidding, bro!!Listen, there's a HUGE difference between reality & fantasy. Even if you read yaoi that doesn't make you a homo... whisper

    I guess I'm really bi.....oh well....I should change my name from random perv to bi perv~ jk! XD anyway, I'll try your advice, tnx....I'll try once she start talking to me again....cause shes avoiding me at the moment -3-

    I Thot You Was a Toad March 18, 2015 3:40 am
    All of us are actually Bisexuals. we all like both genders, we just pick out the best preference over the two of them. And sucking someone's cock can't satisfy you to turn yourself on. try putting something in ... @ma-kun

    BS, and grow up.

    I Thot You Was a Toad March 18, 2015 3:59 am
    ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ uwaaaaah! Hasukashi! I guess I'm not gay. XD but I guess I'm Bi cause asami does turn me on....only when it comes to 2D guys though.... random perv

    That clinches it, then. If the idea of sex with actual guys doesn't turn you on, and you don't find yourself fantasizing about it in your quiet moments, then you aren't gay. Period.

    Even if you did find yourself occasionally fantasizing about it, that would only mean you have those inclinations. How you choose to act on them would also be a decisive factor.

    The point is, gay or bi is about what gender turns you on sexually. If you aren't turned on, then you aren't gay or bi.

    Now, in terms of your 2-D infatuation with Asami, that could be anything and you would be the person who would ultimately figure that out, because it would *feel* right. I could lob ideas at you such as gangster fetish, danger kink or power kink ... but only you can figure out what attracts you to yaoi.

    Lilas April 1, 2015 6:47 pm

    If it isn't too late to comment in regard to this issue, I should say that you might want to wait a couple of years before deciding whether you're bi/ gay/ straight or not.
    I read an article once mentioning the names of well-known men (at least know for the person who wrote about them) who experimented with gayness during their college days, then as years passed by, they reconciled with their straightness or so to speak, married and had children.
    This issue (gayness) has intrigued me for a while - the diversity in human sexuality was something even more intriguing. After weeks of brain-storming for concepts, ideas and explanations, I decided to drop the subject and just follow my instinct.
    As for the issue of being interested in yaoi, it may indicate that you're gay or bi or not. The main criterion here is your preferences in real life. Let's not forget that more often than not, the uke in a yaoi looks like a femme (French word for woman), acts and reacts like a femme. He would be one too if he had the right genitals.
    A man can become excited when reading yaoi even if he is not gay or bi for different reasons. There might be something peculiar which arouses him, something related to his sexual fantasies or a particular kind of fetishism which he is not aware of YET.
    In your age, it is even possible that IF (and only IF) you're surrounded by sisters and female cousins, that you've picked up by contagion (and unknowingly) some of their flair (taste, imagination etc.).
    I can drag my analysis even further, however to keep this reply tidy, I will sum up and say that I don't think that you are gay or bi, if you were, you would have instinctively known it. I think that this interest in yaoi has started out of curiosity but you kept on reading it because it is like a sexual/ romantic adrenaline shot (if you don't like this expression then forget about the wording and mind only the idea behind it).
    As for your girlfriend, she shouldn't have called you a "homo perv" even if you turned out to be gay/ bi, but I reckon she is too young to realize the blunder she has made ┗( T﹏T )┛
    I read once a comment written by an interesting (random) gay person, he was bragging that he would go after the man he wants even if he was straight and attempt to convert him into a gay one (obviously he was half-joking). Perhaps, she should have flared up with all her feminine pride and vowed to convert you back - or something along those lines (it is another half-joke but if you're not laughing, it is the intention which counts (⊙…⊙ ) )

    random perv April 1, 2015 7:01 pm
    If it isn't too late to comment in regard to this issue, I should say that you might want to wait a couple of years before deciding whether you're bi/ gay/ straight or not.I read an article once mentioning the ... Lilas

    Actually, we got back together just recently.....xD she said she'd like to try it out again....she talked to me the other day and asked to get back together so experimenting with gay hood won't be happening anytime soon xD she said that I might be bisexual and she doesn't mind that as long as I don't cheat on her xD oh well....

    random perv April 1, 2015 7:02 pm
    If it isn't too late to comment in regard to this issue, I should say that you might want to wait a couple of years before deciding whether you're bi/ gay/ straight or not.I read an article once mentioning the ... Lilas

    But tnx for the advice..,I guess I could use that in the future (⌒▽⌒)

    Lilas April 1, 2015 7:32 pm
    Actually, we got back together just recently.....xD she said she'd like to try it out again....she talked to me the other day and asked to get back together so experimenting with gay hood won't be happening any... random perv

    hahaha good. I just love it when girls/ women take the initiative and fight back for their man. Good luck and all the best for you both. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
    About being "bi", I don't know about that (my hunch says that you are neither gay nor a bi and that this is a curiosity phase). A gay or bi can instinctively feel it/ know it. Anyways, it is not a bone of contention anymore. I am glad that your story has a happy ending ... and that is it. Take care ^^

    random perv April 1, 2015 8:26 pm
    hahaha good. I just love it when girls/ women take the initiative and fight back for their man. Good luck and all the best for you both. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧About being "bi", I don't know about that (my hunch sa... Lilas

    Yup. Tnx as well ^^