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Sometimes I don't get y'all... This deserves a higher rating...

Alice September 28, 2020 9:45 pm

The art is really beautiful and the plot though not original (but let's be honest nowadays finding something "new" is extremely hard) it was decent! So yeah for anyone who is into industry stories give it a try because It's one of the "good ones". Now if I were to talk about the plot... It starts quite light hearted but it quickly gets heavier and darker (kinda realistic to, since there are quite a few artists who are going through this in real life ). It was a bit fast paced though for my liking, if the author was given the chance to draw 2-3 more ch to thoroughly explain their situations/feelings before and after the time skip it would be even better! But I am still content with it! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
