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Despite being short, this story delivered a great plot. I loved it. Though, there are some...

roux September 29, 2020 2:33 am

Despite being short, this story delivered a great plot. I loved it. Though, there are some points where I got confused on who's talking and at that one scene at the end when Ray was with Soohyun in the parking area or something. It was kind of confusing how he got there right after Sooha confronted his grandfather. I think it would've been delivered in a better manner. I also think that there could've been more scenes about Soohyun's past or so. I kinda wanted to know what happened with his father after the 'mission' they did to get the jewel from Ray. Also I've noticed that there were some true and untrue situations here about having a split personality. Though, it was very well-thought-out. I just hope people won't base on this manhwa regarding that disorder. Anyway, moving on, I love the ending so much, especially when Sooha told Soohyun that he found the jewel when Soohyun came to his life. Soohyun was just so precious to him and vice versa. ┗( T﹏T )┛
