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I watch the movie... Its sad but not enough to make me cry bcz my emotion is kinda fucked....

Nufibiis September 29, 2020 4:12 pm

I watch the movie... Its sad but not enough to make me cry bcz my emotion is kinda fucked.

But reading the manga made me cry a few drop of tears. When hiro stop mika from commit suicide.
Its really sad.. Since i kinda already watch the movie i already know the ending but i cntinue reading bcz of the details.

I really hate aya bcz she wasnt a good person, selfish, self-centered bitch and its not even cute. And the mika is kinda... Idk.. for letting yuu go but the heart choose what it want.

Hiro being a jerk is so uncalled..... Why suffer for years pushing her away but when the time come, he dont want to be alone and cling to her. They could have spend a lot of time together if they didnt broke up...
