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tofu March 24, 2015 3:44 am

I've read a lot of manga, but this has got to be the one that i can say is the best.
at first, the artstyle bothered me and I was kinda skimming the first few chapters but after that it pulled me in and i was obbsessed. now i think the artwork fits with the intense emotional aspects and storylines of the story. (SPOILER) this is esp true when during team winters arc when everyone except aramaki, which i bawled my eyes out. I also seriously bawled uncontrollably during the flashback arc when ryou and crew where back at the school and during the final test when all their classmates start dying off. It was made more powerful if you listen to the music that plays during their tests (esp "ave maria" which is beautiful and contrasts nicely with the horriffic violence and tragedy), and also when aramakis dogs die from the mushrooms. (END SPOILER) I EXTREMELY recomend you read this, and don't letg the artwork turn you off. I'm so anxious for the next update i think im gonna die!!
