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Can anyone download the raws for the second volume? I cant seem to download it. Does the l...

shortie~ October 1, 2020 9:34 pm

Can anyone download the raws for the second volume? I cant seem to download it. Does the link work?

    shortie~ October 1, 2020 9:59 pm

    Im so desperate lol. Been trying to open the file for 1 and a half hour holy shit

    shortie~ October 1, 2020 10:33 pm

    Yeah, the link doesnt work. I found this link though. But we need password for chapter 9-11

    ukiyo October 1, 2020 11:39 pm

    if you find the password would you mind messaging it to me pretty pls lol? i, too, am desperate

    shortie~ October 2, 2020 12:20 am
    if you find the password would you mind messaging it to me pretty pls lol? i, too, am desperate ukiyo

    Sure! If i find it ;-;

    Damn, really? October 2, 2020 7:40 am
    Yeah, the link doesnt work. I found this link though. But we need password for chapter 9-11 shortie~

    There are 2 choices, you need to be a top fan on their fb page. After gaining the top fan badge, you either comment or message them with a photo of you being a top fan and the other choice, you gotta solve a question(?) which is written in in one of their albums(?). I'm not really sure about the second one, I'm just relying on the google translator(´-` )And also, they will change the password every week.

    shortie~ October 2, 2020 7:43 am
    There are 2 choices, you need to be a top fan on their fb page. After gaining the top fan badge, you either comment or message them with a photo of you being a top fan and the other choice, you gotta solve a qu... Damn, really?

    Ah i see... i think i have no chance to get the password then haha :") . Thank you so much for the information!