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Kuon and nanao is my otp, fight me

Leia October 1, 2020 10:37 pm

These two are the best. Theyre crazy cute and they really care for each other so much. Maybe it has something to do with their characters being older that they start to express themselves more. Cause the other couples in this series have so much angst and really doesnt say much even when shit hurts badly. But these two! They try so hard to communicate their feelings once they realized that they yearn for the other so much. The way they try to protect each other from hurtful things is so sweet. And the possessiveness is not to the point that it's creepy. I can't get enough of these two

    JALLY February 22, 2021 5:19 am

    I legit thought I was the only who that understood. Other couples legit.. why so much running and not talking?? And they just make it up with sex..