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Wow so real

Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl October 2, 2020 6:46 am

This is so relatable i used to have diabled kids in my class and their was a group of bullies tht picked on them......i remember that once they started to talk to me and i talked to them became their friend and they soon started to make jokes about the diabled kids with me at first i laughed nervously but soon i laughed naturally.....though one time during reccess i saw the diabled girl alone sitting down because she couldnt move around that well...idky but i walked up to her and started talking to her she was normal i felt so bad honestly i did even tho i wasnt the one picking on her...i might've said something about one of the disabled kids once time i was talking to one of them and they jumped on me...i told the bullies that....after talking to the diabled kid i wanted to change ...when they talked about them and everybody ignored it i decided to say something....i hung out with them i tried....did it do anything...well i was pretty much the only one and i was still friends with the ppl who bullied them because i thought they were nice ppl and we got along...i just stood up when they starting makung fun of the kids.....did i do the right thing i dont know at some point i just avoided them and stopped being friends with them...this seemed so real honestly
