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Regarding the "takeover" worry...

Mister Xiado October 3, 2020 12:42 pm

Seems to me that it's more the original Chloe's memories, what are in essence the sum of a person, were used as the foundation for the imported personality and memories. Not completely blended, but neither was erased. The new operating system, as it were, was blended with the old one, but its superior features allow it to run all of the software and manage the stored data.

    Coolblue238 October 3, 2020 1:17 pm

    Basically like a Windows 7 going Windows 10

    Mister Xiado October 3, 2020 2:08 pm
    Basically like a Windows 7 going Windows 10 Coolblue238

    Ignoring people's dislike for Windows 10 and its spaghetti code, basically this. The analogy doesn't mirror totally, as Windows 7 doesn't merge with Windows 10 when upgraded, 10 replaces 7.
    I guess it's like Goldstar becoming LG. Goldstar didn't really stop existing, even if LG doesn't come out and say they're still Goldstar.