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Didn't this already happen before their first break up ? Wasn't it because he didn't want ...

Lilix October 4, 2020 11:41 am

Didn't this already happen before their first break up ?
Wasn't it because he didn't want to get married that they broke up in the first place?

    Hattiert October 4, 2020 12:27 pm

    Not sure, but I think that time he broke up with her because he was even scared of being in a relationship that serious. They got back together, but it seems years have passed because I don’t think her sister was even pregnant yet when all that took place and last chapter they showed the baby, he appeared to be 2 or 3 years old. If that’s the case

    I don’t blame her for wanting him to either commit to the next step or tell her where he stands. If he’s still afraid she needs to stop wasting her time/years with him.