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LizMars89 April 1, 2015 10:11 pm

I see everyone in the comment section talking about chapter 5 and the morality of it and whatnot. I personally didn't feel it was offensive enough to label the mangaka as a "sicko". Was the chapter strange? Sure. But was it BAD? Not really.

I've read some pretty graphic yaoi manga in the past and only ONE of them was offensive enough to make me question the mangaka's sanity. (it was a shota themed manga that ended with the boy getting his penis forcibly CHOPPED OFF) So as you can understand, I don't find this manga all that offensive. Keep in mind that rape IS a common theme that comes up often in this genre.

    loneliness12 May 1, 2015 7:58 am

    I agree!! I even seen one when a guy got his teeth pulled out and his butthole sewn together and his dick chopped off. That one was SICK and i questioned if the mangaka had some questionabla past, so i feel like this chapter was only softcore.

    Sonea January 27, 2016 3:48 am
    I agree!! I even seen one when a guy got his teeth pulled out and his butthole sewn together and his dick chopped off. That one was SICK and i questioned if the mangaka had some questionabla past, so i feel li... loneliness12

    I want to read that ! what is that ?

    loneliness12 January 30, 2016 10:54 pm

    I forgot the manga's name but the mangaka is Gengoroh Tagame :D

    loneliness12 January 30, 2016 10:55 pm
    I want to read that ! what is that ? Sonea

    I forgot the manga's name but the mangaka is Gengoroh Tagame :D