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Zashye October 5, 2020 12:40 pm

The novel is so different from the newly realised manhwa ;_;. The novel our protegonist is racional and AMAZING, the first arc is in a modern setting world,where she enter a college student body and gets revenge, she does all she can to help the original body owners, since when she leaves the body, they will still live their lifes after that. If someone wants to read, here is the link The story is slow and the fisrt and second arcs are quite sad and pissing off, but it have humor tho, the way our protagonist thinks always makes me laugh because she is relatable, she is like we are, she isn't like other mc's that depends on man, neither she's a mc who so frikin overpowered, she learns gradually, like we learn, she thinks and she lives in a way she can make people think by themselves about the shit they've done. The author made the history with so much care, you can feel that each and every character have their own mind, and we can feel that all of them are alive,they aren't just background characters, they ARE people, they aren't there just for the mc to fuck them up, they learn too. The author is so amazing, yet they picked the more funny arc and didn't care for my lovely author history at all. Even the way they represented our mc is wrong,she ain't idiot nor your average female protagonist. Please read the novel

    Nizze February 1, 2021 3:05 pm

    I can't agree more... they messed up so badly... Ning Shu deserves better...