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People react to pain in different way

Dorky October 5, 2020 9:55 pm

Maybe the brother did it because of a romantic love for his sister that he has been suppressing for a long time ago. Maybe he did that out of grief (people react to pain in different ways, some cut themselves, some binge eat, some has sex with anyone they come across, provoking others into fighting them, etc.) All of these examples are destructive and addictive behaviors.

I can't explain why the brother did what he did because I can't read the author's mind. But I know there is an explanation the author has in mind to allow us to understand that everyone is human and makes mistakes, especially in time of grievance.

Like the daughter of the abusive father who ended up hitting her mother out of guilt (for the fact that she asked someone to kill her dad so that her mom wouldn't stop being in pain but it seems to have hurt her mother more); Or the fact that her mother still cried for a man who hurt her family. People are confusing. Even they don't understand their own actions sometimes.

I know I sound very self-righteous right now. There's a lot of things my twenty-year-old self doesn't get about life. But I just need to get this off because people who are commenting this is incest is not trying to understand this person who is in pain, only labeling him right away as someone disgusting and immoral. Also, trying to understand doesn't mean you agree with his action. For me, it means that you do not allow one action to determine your judgment of this person's character.
