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Does anyone remember what yaoi oneshot is this?

whisper April 3, 2015 6:26 am

The seme is the colleague of uke's elder sister. The sister has a habit of getting drunk & the seme always ends up bringing her home after that. And while doing that the seme always brings sweets for the uke(<--he has a sweet tooth) whenever he drops uke's sister at their home.
I don't remember the ending clearly but i think there was some misunderstanding & the uke ends up sulking because the he thinks, that the seme sees him only as a little brother which is the reason he brings him sweets. But the seme confesses that he only brought the sweets to win the uke's heart & happy ending!! And i think the end/misunderstanding happens during xmass while uke's big sis is out of town.

Hope anyone remembers this! *fingers crossed* Thanks in advance!!
