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Bias against BL in BG novels/fantasy manga (especially manhwas)

Cubicsphere October 6, 2020 4:00 am

So I was browsing manga when I found this manga 'surviving as a maid' (dunno how to link it). It was about a girl who transmigrated into a maid and the villains were the king and his male concubine. They both have the worst character tropes like
cheating,bitchiness,jealousy and yadda.
And this made me remember another manhwa where the MC transmigrated into a girl whose fiance also had a male concubine and both were pretty shitty characters. And I've seen Japanese manga where the girl transmigrates into a bl world and tries to find a non black one.
Now all this really rubbed me the wrong way. I know that not everyone whose gay is good but isn't a little extreme. In almost all BG romances Bl is portrayed as as a trope which only shitty or villains have and it softens ends in tragedy for them. I have absolutely nothing against BG and I have enjoyed them along with bl but seeing these types of manga makes me mad.

I really dont know why the authors include Bl like that ? Is it personal or what ? The only BG where Bl was portrayed is a nice way was the anime ' kiss him not me'.

Bonus : I read a manga where a fujoshi ships two guys in her office but one of guys ends up seducing her. Like wtf are you trying to do here author ?
