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Ok but

Master_iPad October 6, 2020 11:31 pm

He got so CLOSE to being ALMOST HALFWAY decent. The rape still happens, but like he's about to go apologize to her in that chapter where he asks the instructor to let them stay behind, but then she goes and apologizes to him first for no damn reason and it's like he doesn't need to say sorry anymore. Then he calls her fat, but he's shows that he's at least a little bit considerate when he buys her pancakes. But he still doesn't apologize for calling her fat, just saying "sO yOuRe AwArE oF WhAt I sAy hUh?"
Then she slaps him for pulling that crap in the changing room- when they meet again that would be the PERFECT time to apologize. BUT HE DOESN'T!!
Rape plots are kinda a dime a dozen, its just frustrating that he doesn't apologize for anything
