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i really need help!!! i was reading this manga who i really like the presentation of wings...

Nao April 5, 2015 1:26 pm

i really need help!!! i was reading this manga who i really like the presentation of wings, please help me look for it.

a type on manga that which had angels and demons, the demon wants to be a human so he goes to the human world and act as a priest...the angel stay beside the demon priest and protected it instead of having the demon return to its world.

i wanna read the remaining chapter since i can't find it in my history coz i'm making use of public computer shops..........i really hope to finish it

let me know if u guys had any idea...THANKS

    Sei April 5, 2015 1:39 pm

    You are probably looking for Innocent Bird, from Kisaragi Hirotaka (I love that mangaka), here it is:

    Let me know if I was right ^^

    Nao April 5, 2015 4:24 pm this one? blue_asami

    thanks...i'm freaking THANK YOU....:)

    Nao April 5, 2015 4:26 pm
    You are probably looking for Innocent Bird, from Kisaragi Hirotaka (I love that mangaka), here it is: me know if I was right ^^ @Sei

    yes that's it...really really really THANK YOU...:), i'm gonna finish this right now