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I wonder..

エル April 5, 2015 4:30 pm

Are there any yaoi fans here who sometimes have a "yuri phase"? Like all of a sudden you begin reading yuri stuff and finding it interesting.
I had the similiar phase only it was more of a "shoujo-ai" phase because I'm only reading them for the romance not for the sex.
How about fundanshis here? Do you guys love yuri as well? How come even though you're straight you don't feel awkward reading yaoi? Because I do when I read yuri lol

    hi... April 5, 2015 4:51 pm

    That's the same with me too! Heh, well I do kinda feel akward reading it sometimes, especially when they do it with each other... but I do like it for the romance too. It's kind if nice to stop reading yaoi and start on something new. Anyways I'm bi so I don't really feel as akward when reading this stuff, but it's still weird.

    エル April 7, 2015 12:17 pm
    That's the same with me too! Heh, well I do kinda feel akward reading it sometimes, especially when they do it with each other... but I do like it for the romance too. It's kind if nice to stop reading yaoi and... @hi...

    yeah.. sometimes reading yaoi all the time bores me out too.That's why I sometimes read shonen or shoujo-ai (because shoujo is absolutely out of the question. Yuri is ok as long as its not too graphic lol).
    I know right? It's kinda weird during the sex scenes. I'd rather see a normal het sex than seeing two girls have sex because somehow it embarasses me lol
    maybe that's what most straight guys feel everytime they see yaoi