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So i stopped reading this halfway and left it alone for quite some time bc i wanted to rea...

jino April 7, 2015 12:49 pm

So i stopped reading this halfway and left it alone for quite some time bc i wanted to read it when it was completed and just now i finished reading it!
but earlier when i was reading it on an app omg it finished at ch 32 and i cried thinking the whole thing just ended without them ever seeing each other ever again!!! It was so depressing so i came on here to write a comment and then i see there's a ch 33!!! And now I'm crying again but its happy tears now ㅠvㅠ
actually I was hoping until the very end that it would somehow end up at least as shounen ai but the ending was cute too i hope when they reincarnate they all get to stay together this time~~~
