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i think shiki wanted to choose keigo, but cos he got that advice about choosing the person...

ciaraj April 8, 2015 7:32 am

i think shiki wanted to choose keigo, but cos he got that advice about choosing the person who understands his job and crap, he was going to choose the major. i also believe he felt some guilt the major's death, two-timing both of them, so he didn't think he deserved to be w keigo. and if you recall, he told keigo that he had always loved him. but i tell you what, if shiki was two-timing me, he'd have hell to pay lol

    Aobutt February 2, 2016 2:29 am


    Anonymous February 3, 2016 11:12 am

    disagree. shiki was always goign with the flow be it first with keigo , with Shino or with the major. i dont rly like that type fo guy , and all the tiem i was readign this manga i was feeling sorry fo keigo.shiki and his loose moral...i think he was rdy to choose the major before bc when he called he never let it ring...but he ignored keigo pretty matter what his excuse is with keeping his job secret and keigo beeing a civilian he wasnt anyhow serious. i cant help feeling he gonna go with the flow with the next girl or guy , and keep beeing unfaithful .

    Nyalen July 23, 2016 9:59 pm

    He wanted Keigo! But he couldn't have a real relationship while on zero unit... come one, he couldn't even tell him his real name or anything! The fucking around with whoever was available was a way of stop thinking in these things... but Mitarai was cute and he began feeling guilty for having his just like a fuck buddy... I love them all, such deep characters...

    Veronika April 16, 2017 5:26 pm

    Wait When did shiki say he loved keigo? He was never clear to keigo whether he loved him or not.. So Did i miss something here?