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Literal shit

Kenx_x October 8, 2020 9:33 pm

An orphan young man is obsessed with a priest that has been taking care of him Since his teenage years.
And it's a cool plot honestly with priests cults and maniacs.
Then the author decides to fuck it up by turning it into an fucking (literally) cliche It's shit. the young man turns out to be in a cult and kidnaps the priest and the cult has to preform a ceremony or some sort of a fucking ritual for the two in which the dude has to "fill" the 'vessel (the priest)' WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FILL HIM? SRSLY and they fuck in the 2ND CHAPTER WHAT THE FUCCCCCKKKKK.
Btw i also didn't like the character design you can tell that the dude is manic from 20 miles away with his under eye bags i wish that the author had went with a more simple, boyish and casual design rather then making him so masculine and offsetting you know to make it more surprising that he's nuts, also i think the priest should look a little older he has silver hair?? Is he old or?? And he looks like a boxing champion with those muscles like dude he's a priest not mike tyson make him look a little more modreate.
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