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Justice for the original Siwon

Duncan October 9, 2020 3:53 am

Ok so this is my second time reading the comic and I enjoyed it more but I still have some problems with it. First off why is everyone in this comic an actual sociopath nobody cares when the original Siwon was being bullied until he stuck up for himself then they praised him? Like no sweety you defend the weak not only praise them when they defend themselves. This was displayed the worst with Siwoon who had almost no empathy for the original Siwon even though he went through similar experiences as a child like what!? It made me sick every time he said he would not care about Siwon if he didn't remind him of tae min. And are we just going to ignore the fact that the person who orcistrated the original Siwon's rape got away with it and no I don't mean the brother I mean jihook or whatever his name is! He legit is a rapist and was almost given a redemption in the end ugh gross. Finally Everyone just forgets about poor Siwon in the end like no ty. I really do enjoy this comic it just has some moral issues that don't sit right with me. I hope maybe in the upcoming comic Siwon really is alive? Idk it might be asking for too much if not well.... Rest in peace Siwon I love you

    oui oui October 9, 2020 6:14 am

    i dont think haribo's new manhwa is related to this. the real siwon is dead. it honestly is like any other high school. some dirty thing gets released about someone and you end up at the bottom of the food chain. taemin made a life out of someone who ended up with nothing by choosing to stick up for himself and make people realize that he wasn't a pushover. woojin built up his walls because of his father and disgusting step mother because he was made up to be perfect. taemin was his only soft spot, so when taemin said "it's okay" he knew it was him. idk if you need me to answer something just ask. the translation here was weird

    Duncan October 9, 2020 3:33 pm
    i dont think haribo's new manhwa is related to this. the real siwon is dead. it honestly is like any other high school. some dirty thing gets released about someone and you end up at the bottom of the food chai... oui oui

    Ya your right I only heard about the new comic recently and just might have assumed it was related to this but it makes more sense for it not to be. Honestly you are correct that it's how it is irl if something bad happens you get treated bad and go to the bottom...but the thing is for me it's not about what happened to Siwon it's about that literally nobody cared it really was disheartening especially knowing that one of the main characters (Siwoon) was one of those types of people :(

    oui oui October 9, 2020 3:49 pm

    siwon desrved the world. whenever i think abt how jiwook treated him and still got a free pass it makes me upset