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I feel like this is a spin-off of an alternate universe Gakuen Alice

yametekudastop October 9, 2020 9:07 am

I don't know if there are others who feel the same way as me but as I was reading this (well I'm still at ch.12), I can't fully appreciate its lightheartedness (though it's cute and I like it) ╥﹏╥. I have mixed feelings. I feel like this is a spin-off of an alternate universe Gakuen Alice (or the Gakuen Alice anime version lol) and not a spin-off of the original manga haha.

I binged on Gakuen Alice and then read this but I still can't remove the heartbreak and shake off the darkness that I felt from the original work :( I tried my best by reading this tho. I honestly can't see Narumi-sensei, Tsubasa, Mikan, and Natsume the same way. I mean thank you author-san for giving us a very light version of them- seeing them happy and back to normal and giving a loving atmosphere between the couple.. but the darkness of their real selves kinda left a heavy impression (a wrecked Naru, a revived Natsume, Mikan who has seen several deaths before her eyes, the missing Imai siblings etc.) Oh, not to mention the academy. I can't view the academy the same way (actually I've felt this way as the original story was approaching the 100th chapter. The thing that only made me smile [but still sad lol] in the latter part was Natsume and Mikan's "proposal")

Plus that little side note about Natsume with a worrisome life span indeed made me worry despite the depicted happiness here lol. Anyway I'm trying my best to focus on the main couple, it's just that the appearance of the original characters still makes me sad in some way lol
