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Love in times of war.

re16 October 10, 2020 12:30 am

I can really picture this happening during WWII.

Either yaoi or regular couples every time I read this type of stories I always wonder how many people went throught this type of situation. It is so heartbreaking.

In Japan the bromances or strong frienship runs very deeps so I imagine this type of situations happened more often than people try to admit. Remember now days even with all the issues people can be more open but back in those days.. believe me it wasn't that easy.

That goodbye.. that night of were Aoi and Take slept together was so meaningful. It was a pact of love their last string of hope that at least they could be together cause they didn't knew if they would ever see each other again. The longing on both parts was so passionate.

People that judge Taka for not going or writing back to Aoi telling him he was alive. He had his motives. When at war the people around you suddenly become your family so I guess it became his life mission to find the lady. He wanted to become better for Aoi... and he didn't even knew if Aoi was still alive and if he was alive he figured out he already moved on. That makes total sense to me. It is painful to read it but it does make sense.
