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I've been looking for this one manga where these two dudes have a crush on eachother, they...

Pickle October 11, 2020 12:57 am

I've been looking for this one manga where these two dudes have a crush on eachother, they go to an all boys school n everyone in the school knows this but these two idiots are too dense to notice they have a crush on eachother, they start to realize eachother feelings when they both get sick. The uke is known for his cuteness and the seme is known for his big pp (at least I think so) they start to try to go on their first date when they all go on a flied trip or sumthin then I lost the manga...I hope this made at least a lil bit of sense, sorry my writing is all over the place I'm not doin good rn lmao. Hope somone can help me find this, I've been looking for it foreverrr. ╥﹏╥
